Sunday, 8 January 2012



We followed to codes and conventions of documentary making, for more details, see earlier in my blog.


We followed professional standards by having the interviewee not look directly into the camera and to speak in full sentences so that the question asked could not be heard being posed.


We considered the  appropriate mise-enc-scene in all of our interviews. Notably in the home baker interviews we had a selection of cookery books, a jar of biscuits and a plate of home made biscuits on a saucer in the background, similar to other documentaries I have studies. Notably here in 'The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special In 3d On Ice Part' The actress that plays Lisa Simpson has that character in the background.


 In documentaries that I have studied, they use an opening montage or titles that is relevant to the topic of the documentary. In our product, we used stock frame animation with biscuits and a Union Jack behind them, in 'In the Teeth of Jaws' They used a cartoon shark and ocean to relate to the movie 'Jaws'

As shown earlier in the blog John Frierson created the first documentary 'Housing Problems' where he defined the documentary as the 'creative treatment of Actuality' I believe that we have followed this throughout our work, notably in our opening credits, the use of stock frame animation, and the home baker section of the piece, where it is set out like a cookery show and the music is fits the mood and is entertaining.



We handed out questionnaire’s to people who watched our documentary, listened to our radio advert and saw our print advert  and asked whether or not that they believed they were comparable to professional products.
The general answers were that they believed it to be informative and that it flowed. They found our voice over to be appropriate. They believed that we stayed true to the conventions of documentaries and that our print adverts were comparable to the professional channel 4 ones.

I uploaded our documentary to the social networking sight Facebook for my friends to give their feedback on.

From Facebook I learnt that Our documentary was generally enjoyed as people discussed how they found it interesting and that they could see we had considered our Mise-en-scene throughout. They also complimented our music choice as it was catchy, it also related to the documentary theme.  However some commented that the sound quality could be consistent and be improved. Especially how the home baker's voice echoed. If we were to do this again we would use a boom mic so the sound would not echo. The Millie's Cookies interview was also picked up on as having  poor quality sound. If we were to make the documentary again, we would have gone back to the store and re-filmed the interview and used a mic or a boom to improve the sound quality. Also, the music bed used was also commented on as being too loud in parts, so we would lower the volume if we were to make the documentary again.

This person was impressed that the vox pops were the same used in the radio advert, keeping consistency throughout the campaign. She was also impressed the voice over and music were the same. She commented on the variety of camera angles and considered mise-en-scene that related to the documentary theme. She also stated that the use of stock frame animation was relevant and with the music was catchy and entertaining. She also said that the use of graphics was simple, used in other documentaries. She also picked up on the quality of sound throughout, also we would definitely change the sound and re shoot some interviews using a mic or boom.

This person liked how we followed the codes and conventions of professional channel 4 print adverts by having the logo and strap line in the same place. She also commented on how the strap line was consistent with the one in the radio advert. However she did note that the central image, although was eye catching and related to the topic, you could see the camera's flash in the cup, so if we were to make another one, we would use a different image or perhaps use a camera without a flash.

This person enjoyed the music and found it to be catchy and entertaining and also enjoyed that, along with the narrator and the vox pops, was consistent with the documentary. She also commented on how strap line was the same in the print advert and how it was similar to professional standards as it was short and detailed relevant information such as the time and date the documentary will air. She did comment on the use of sound and how it was a little too loud in the begging. If we were to make a new radio advert, we would turn down the volume of the song at the beginning so that the narrator could be heard more clearly.

Audience Feedback is very important to us as it tells us whether or not we did a good job as a documentary maker. The good feedback lets us know what we did right and the negative feedback is as, if not more important. nNegative Feedback tells us what we did that needs to be improved, so if we were to make the documentary again, we could do to ensure that less negative feedback is given next time. Overall, the negative feedback was based on the changes and poor quality of sound. If we were to make the documentary again, we would use mics or booms in all interviews and change the volumne of the narration and/or music bed to ensure that the audience would hear clearly.


How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Below is a picture of  me using an XM 2.

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